I was interviewed by Eric Hunley on his "Unstructured" livestream on topics from magic to skepticism to handwriting and more. https://youtu.be/UgMgE1gOaDs
I contributed a brief tutorial to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology's 2020 Teaching Tips book on a magic trick that I frequently use in the classroom to inspire critical thinking. The entire book is available FOR FREE at http://teachpsych.org/ebooks/teachingtips4.
I was interviewed on the Society of American Magicians "Backstage" podcast. It was a really fun chat about the history of interaction between scientists and magicians. Enjoy!
![]() I am honored to be featured as a "Thought Leader" at the 2020 convention of the American Psychological Association. My keynote address, entitled "Magic in the Lab: Psychological Insights from Magicians," will be a call to action for psychologists to seriously consider hypotheses from the folk psychology of magic. Update: Video of my virtual keynote address is available here. ![]() The 2019 Science of Magic Association conference, for which I was conference chair, was a rousing success. The complete program from the event is available at https://scienceofmagicassoc.org/. Five of my students accompanied me to the conference, where they presented their work, carried out in my lab. I presented a workshop on using magic in the classroom to increase critical thinking. The materials from my presentation are available for download here. My newest paper, with collaborators from Harvard Medical School, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, and Arizona State University, was published in the Journal of Eye Movement Research. The work explores the relationship between microsaccades and covert attention. Since its publication, it has already been featured on the Scientific American website. The paper and supplementary materials are published in open access at https://bop.unibe.ch/JEMR/article/view/4333-Barnhartetal-Article.pdf
I presented a poster and a Demo Night presentation at the 2019 meeting of the Vision Sciences Society. Files associated with my poster presentation on symmetry and event perception are available here, and files associated with my demo on the magical manipulation of temporal attention are available here.
I presented some of my new work on the use of symmetrical action as a technique of deception in magic at the annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in New Orleans. The poster and handout for that presentation are available for download here.
Congratulations to Jeniffer Ortega, a Ph.D. student at the National University of Colombia, on the publication of some of her dissertation research in Consciousness and Cognition, alongside Gustav Kuhn and me. This is some of the first work using magic to study visual metacognition. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053810018301557
I am pleased to be part of a special episode of the long-running CBC science program, "The Nature of Things," devoted to the Science of Magic. Folks in Canada will be able to watch the episode on March 18th. A teaser is available at http://www.cbc.ca/natureofthings/episodes/the-science-of-magic. The newest publication from my lab has just been released by Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. I'm particularly proud of this piece for a few reasons: 1) It's my first publication related to some issues that have been central to my research program for the last few years, 2) it's my first publication with student co-authors (Mandy Ehlert & Alison Mackey), and 3) the release of this paper roughly coincides with the release of the CBC / Reel Time Images documentary on the Science of Magic that highlights this work! https://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13414-018-1497-8
I have made the paper available here. At this year's Midwest Institute for Students and Teachers of Psychology (MISTOP) at the College of DuPage, I led a session devoted to using magic in the classroom to enhance critical thinking. I have made all content from that presentation available for educators at http://tinyurl.com/MISTOP-magic.
I was interviewed in two episodes of the Cengage "Neuro Transmission Podcast." The first interview relates to my academic trajectory, from magician to psychologist who studies magic. The second explores my use of magic in the classroom as a tool for enhancing students' critical thinking. Both episodes are available at https://www.cengage.com/learn/neurotransmission
An interview with me appeared in The Linking Ring magazine, journal of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. You can read the piece here.
AuthorI am an Associate Professor of Psychological Science at Carthage College, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Archives
November 2024